Broad City (2014-present, created by Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson, who also star) is a sitcom chronicling the surreal, stoned adventures of two early 20’s best friends in New York City.
It’s actually revelatory and breath of fresh fucking air that the leads are both women. You don’t see a lot of stories glorifying the pothead slackerdom of women; or showing women casually and unapologetically enjoying active sex lives and masturbation; or celebrating the loving, true, loyal, and slightly homoerotic best friendship of women. Abbi and Ilana do all this so effortlessly that it never looks like it’s trying too hard or making a point. They are just being their own goofy selves.
A typical Broad City episode takes an ordinary task like collecting a package, visiting the DMV, or navigating Prospect Park, and makes it into an epic adventure in a way that feels true to the overwhelming, exuberant, inconvenient, dreamlike wonder of being stoned and of living in New York City.
Key Episodes
I’ve only seen the first 3 seasons, so bear that in mind in my Key Episode selections. As of this writing, Season 4 has come out, but it’s not on Hulu yet, and season 5 has been announced.1x01 What A Wonderful World The pilot is a good introduction to the series, following Abbi and Ilana through a series of mini-adventures on a quest to get enough money to buy weed and concert tickets. Underemployed in dead-end jobs, they enter into the world of Craigslist side hustle.
2x04 Knockoffs The infamous “pegging” episode. Abbi finally goes on a date with handsome neighbor Jeremy and is surprised to learn that he wants to be fucked with a strapon. What I love about this episode is that it shows Abbi being unsure about a sexual activity that’s unfamiliar to her, but ultimately trying it and having fun, even if it’s not her particular turn-on (unlike, say, the episode Sex and the City where John Slattery wants to be peed on and Carrie uses the kink to shame him). Meanwhile, Ilana and her mother go to increasingly absurd lengths to find quality knockoff handbags.
2x10 St. Mark’s A special dinner out for Ilana’s 23rd birthday is interrupted when a thief steals her gift out of Abbi’s hands. Energetic and beautifully shot, this episode showcases the magic of the East Village and its electic, bustling warren of narrow streets, alleys, tunnels, and tiny interconnected storefronts.
Bonus Episodes
This is a case where if you liked the key episodes you’ll probably like all of them. Here are some more that I found memorable.1x10 The Last Supper Abbi and Ilana try to have a nice dinner out at a nice restaurant, but prove themselves too uncouth to belong there. Notable for an appearance by Amy Poehler as a put-upon line chef.
2x05 Hashtag FOMO Ilana is so worried about FOMO that she can’t stay at one party, until Abbi gets so drunk that she turns into Judy Garland.
2x09 Coat Check Abbi and Ilana get a gig working the coat check at a fancy charity event, leading Abbi on a quest to find Kelly Ripa’s lost coat and Ilana on a sexy adventure with Alia Shawkat. This is the first episode which shows Ilana hooking up with a woman, notable if you are excited as I was to watch a series with a bisexual lead.
3x01 Two Chainz Rest of the episode is fine, but the best part is the two-minute cold open of a year in the life of Abbi and Ilana as seen from their bathrooms. Set to “Let ‘Em Say” by Lizzo and Caroline Smith, each clip show two mini-tableaux with sight gags that go by so fast you can’t see them all in one viewing.
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